You have been my teacher.
Helping me to learn about life,
pointing me in the right direction,
letting me make my own mistakes
and then helping me pick up the pieces afterwards.
You have been my friend.
Listening to me when I needed to talk,
making me talk when I didn’t know I needed to,
supporting me when I was down,
and helping me to see that things weren’t all that bad.
You have been my role model.
Leading me by your example.
But most of all, you have been my mother
Loving me unconditionally no matter what I did or said,
letting me know that I was not alone and never would be,
forI would always have a home.
I can never thank you enough
for all that you have taught me,
given to me,
and done for me.
I can never repay you.
All I can do is tell you that I love you
with all my heart and soul,
that I’m grateful for you,
and that I cherish you
and the closeness we share.
I feel incredibly lucky to have been gifted
with a mother like you.
To share eternal love.
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