
Looking for the right words to say in times of joy and sadness - in love and out of love - in search of or found love - is the journey Joseph Paul Amadeus explores. His works are a culmination of poems written and expressed in mood stages over a period of five decades.

Joseph Paul’s approach transcends feelings, emotions and passions driven by the soundtrack of daily life. Tapping into human expectations, driven by our heart’s desire to be in tune with our mind, he captures the essence of nature playing an important role in our emotional existence. Here he manoeuvres through complex lives, by tapping into the desire for love, romance and acceptance.

As a poet and songwriter, he has successfully been working under the radar for decades thus being described as a myth since he is a writer without a face or image. His written works have been featured in various magazines and recorded works on radio stations internationally.


“Joseph Paul Amadeus, after five decades of virtual anonymity, is ready to roll out several books over the next several years. Most will be available as E-books as well as hard copy. Each of the works will be accompanied by a series of recorded works set to original music produced and co-written by prominent musicians. These will be available as MP3s and limited edition CDs”.

This website will feature many unpublished works that will be posted periodically.


Joseph Paul Anthony Amadeus Camilleri was born in Malta during the post-war first round baby boom era in 1946, He immigrated to Canada at the age of one as a single child and began planting roots in Toronto, Ontario. Canada before being joined in latter years by three brothers and a sister. Born of hard working class parents he grew up as a railway child in the prodominently factory district, now the entertainment district, of downtown Toronto. Not destitute, but somewhat poor by today’s standards, he showed signs as a self-motivated individual poised to make a difference through his actions and words. He was rich in hidden talents that slowly began to emerge

He began his road as a journalist at the age of sixteen by writing for the Toronto Star, the Toronto Telegram and several other publications including Billboard and Cashbox Magazines. As he entered the world of entertainment, he began publishing pamphlets, magazines, books, newspapers and websites. The printed word was always an integral part of his life from an early age. In his teens, he had the “urge to merge” the mediums of journalism, publishing and broadcasting to develop and relay his personal diary of life and love from a different perspective – his own. With love and romance being the main theme of his works, he is heavily influenced by his spiritualism and love for nature.